Back in the Saddle Again!

Finally! I was able to return to work today and resume my duties as an air traffic controller after nearly 2 months away on medical leave. It feels nice. Not that I didn't appreciate my job before being sidelined as I was but I appreciate it even more now.

I showed up at work this morning to report to the Quality Control office for some 'other duties', running short on sick-leave and intending to either get my clearance to work traffic again within the next few days or reluctantly submit my paperwork and retire at the end of the month. Fortunately for me, I received a call mid-morning telling me that I was being reinstated and that I was free to resume my work as a controller. I quickly stepped outside to text Tammy and tell her the good news but decided to call her instead. This was something we both really wanted and a text message just wouldn't do it justice. She was very happy too!

I'm not ready yet. I'm just not. The widget on my phone says 291 days until my final day. I'm good with that number as it allows us to take care of some loose ends financially and that to me is more important than the easy life. That will happen soon enough all on its own.

I'm getting a jump on this year's yardwork with the nice weather we've been having for the past week. I think this may be the earliest I've ever put fertilizer down. I even found time to transplant some hostas this afternoon. I'm too good at putting that job off until the next year or the year after that. Done!

The pups are digging this nice weather too. I'll send them out on the deck to bark their little heads off for a few minutes before giving in to their pleadings to come back in and have a bite of whatever I'm munching on.

I'm ramping up both my outdoor walks and rides. I'm struggling with some knee pain but I'm determined to find a way to make this new normal of mine work. I can't recall if I mentioned this here previously but I'm under strict doctor's orders to no longer use NSAIDS because they interfere with the anticoagulant I'm taking. They were my go-to medication to alleviate much of my knee pain. I'm allowed to use Tylenol but it does little if anything for me so I'm resorting to glucosamine/chondroitin with hopes that it will provide some needed relief. I'll report back later.

We just got a call from Rachel. I was sitting here blogging while messaging with her on Facebook when she suggested that she call instead. Great idea! That wasn't quite the highlight of my day but it was close!

Video of my Jordan Loop from a couple afternoons ago...


Jackie said…
SO,SO Happy for you! A huge weight lifted for you I am certain. Talk to you soon.

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