Buzzed, Alpha, Riding and Calf Convulsions

Rachel had some friends over the other night and turned our garage into a hair salon. Tanner is a good sport. He shaved his head in preparation for the mission trip to Guatemala that he and Rachel and some of the kids from their Hosanna group are taking. Tammy and I have been attending Alpha classes at Hosanna for the past ten weeks. Alpha is a course designed for people at all levels in their Christian faith as well as nonbelievers. It's something we've been wanting to do for a while but our schedules didn't allow for us to do it together until now. We were divided into small groups the first night and have remained with the same people throughout. I wasn't sure what to think of setting aside nearly three hours every Thursday night for ten weeks (through part of summer no less) but once it began, I soon realized that I was getting a lot out of it. I found that it became one of the highlights of my week. The course concluded tonight and we've decided that we...