Fair Talk
Tammy, Rachel and I made it out to the state fair yesterday. I was hoping to get out and ride before we went so as to create a calorie deficit so I could eat to my heart's content but I didn't make it. I'll have to put in a more serious effort tomorrow. Rachel had planned to bring a couple of friends but neither of them could make it so it was just the three of us. Tammy and I sort of figured it would only the two of us going but Rachel still wanted to come with us. We were glad. We don't get to spend enough time with her these days as her friends consume so much of her time. She made the comment on the way to the fair that she can't remember a time this summer when she felt like she was sitting around wasting the day. She said she's had a full summer. I'm not sure that means she's ready for school to begin but more to the point that she has no regrets about how she managed her break. I didn't eat much before getting to the fair so the first stop...