By Any Other Name
I posted this to my Facebook wall on Saturday morning: I think I may have just had my best night's sleep ever! I've been missing that feeling for most of my adult life. Of all of the benefits of being retired, getting adequate sleep is the one that matters most to me.
I lived on not much more than 5 hours of sleep each night when I was working, oftentimes less and although I made it work, it couldn't have been good for me. I'm averaging around 8 hours of sleep each night now with an occasional afternoon nap and it feels so good. What's most noticeable about my sleep-filled nights are the dreams I'm having. They're bizarre and so full of detail and usually bear little resemblance to my real life. I go to bed each night wondering where they'll take me.
As reluctant as I was, it's nice to have stepped off the treadmill that was my career. Sometimes I'll think about the current day of the week and imagine how rushed I'd be if I was still in my old life, hurrying to get a workout in or taking care of whatever needed attention around our home before packing my lunch and heading off to the salt mine.
It's then that I'll often breathe a sigh and give whatever pup is in my lap (Toby more often than not) a hug.
Where keeping traffic separated used to be my main concern, it was replaced by having to remember to take the trash out to the curb on Monday nights. I became tired of having to remember what day of the week it was so I made a recurring notification on my phone to relieve me of even that responsibility.
Speaking of work: I've been getting together with some retired and current controllers at Celts Pub in Farmington at 2:30 on Wednesdays for what's fondly referred to as a "team meeting" and a couple beers. It's nice. I wasn't one to spend any amount of time in the bar when I was working so this is a nice change for me. They're a good group of guys.
Stained glass projects have been occupying much of my time these past two weeks. I finished the one to the right a few nights ago as a gift for a friend. I used to entertain the idea of making these sorts of sun-catchers and selling them but I'm not sure that will ever happen because I'm just not motivated that way although Foci (where we'll hopefully soon resume our glassblowing) has a gallery where I can display them for sale. I may do that but I don't think I'll let them go cheaply. If I do this for money, I want to make sure it's worth whatever effort goes into them, otherwise, I'd rather just give them away to friends.
This next part may not be of much interest unless you worked with me so feel free to skip the italicized text and resume this post with the last paragraph.
A retired friend from work (Bruce Steeples, now working as a controller in Bahrain) recently made what is probably one of the most interesting Facebook posts I've ever read. It's gone through several edits since his initial post as people have chimed in with additions to the list. It's a lot of fun to read.
Bruce wrote:
Nicknames of the Air Traffic Controllers at Minneapolis Center starting from 1981. Thanks for all who have helped refresh our collective memories.
Management tried to have a crackdown on the use of nicknames a few years back, along with attendant sensitivity training. I think the names being broadcast loudly over the outside paging system might have had something to do with it.
I have yet to find another profession where the use of nicknames is as widespread, or creative.
Everyone was referred to by their operator's initials as well, so I didn't include those unless they were modified to some extent; such as a perennial favorite, “Jizz.”
Any “offensive” nickname that was NOT used to directly address the individual noted with an *.
Unknown =?
Aluminum Mike---- Mike Donelly
Angry---Hank Tetreault
The Angry Dwarf*
The Axe---Jack Huber
Baa --- Brian Barnes
Bakes --- Tim Baker
Bang'in ---Jim Wangen
Barely White--- Barry White
Beagle ---Tim Legel
Bear---Gary Davis
Beez--- Bruce Steeples
Big Chief Run 'Em Together ---?
Benny ---Steve Bennett
The Bicycle*
Big Al--- Al Matakovich
Big Belly --- Jim ? Our old manager who went to ZDV
Big Dog --- Big Dog, I mean Roger Thompson
Big Ike---Ike Brown
The Big Fella*
Big Horse---Brad Hultquist
Billy---Mark Warren
Bird Dog---Mark Berdahl
Bolhunk --- Kevin Bolhouse
Boom Boom---Bob Kuh
Boy --- Roy Sullivan
Brannif Bob---Bob Uhlenhoff
Brizzenbanger ---Dave Brisendine
Brother Free Love---Rod Carey
Buck---Mike Buckingham
Buccaneer---John Barganier
Bud (Big, Ugly, and Dumb) ---Dean Rickles
Buddha ---Bud Raiter
Buffalo Head--- Dennys Peck
Bull --- Durwin Jones
Bunny ---Pat Taylor
Burger King*
Burnsie---Bobby Burns
Butt Vapor---Brian Vance
Cabbage Patch*
Cajun F***er---Dave Murphy
Captain Fear*
Captain Hate ---Butch Carrick
Chewbacca---Jim Mihalek
Chic --- Charles Williams
Chirp---Robin Thompson
Clueless---Tom Kloos
Cobra--- Dave Celski
Coldspot--- Paul Codispoti
Convict*---Jim Dillon
Country Joe--- Joe Konietzko
Cowkiller --- Durwin Jones
Cozy--- Dean Kosen
Cobb ---Jim Kobe
Crazy Echo ---Jon Cech
Creeper --- Tom Barnes
the Crumpler*--- Sheila Radke
Cub Bear---Kevin DeGarmo
Daddy Mac---Jerry McCarthy
Daffy---Dave Peterson
Death Bunny--- Pat Taylor
Dewey ---Paul Duschane
Dickhead --- Rich Green
Digger---Tom Barnes
Donna-Wanna--- Donna Nordstrom?
Doo-Dah --- Mike Day
Dough--- Chris Howard
Doughboy--- Chris Howard
Dragon --- Elliot Dallavalle
Dude ---Todd Sjostrand
Duh --- Dave Ritter
Dust Bunny---Bruce Wagnoner
Eddie the Fork---Ed Asbury
E.G. Honey---Ed Whitman
Ewok---Jerry Dehmer
Fido --- Dan Fitas
Flatliner* --- ?
Flounder --- Tim Erickson
Foghorn --- Jerry McCarthy
Fowerty Forbord---Jarred Forbord
Fritz the Crime Dog---Ralph Fee
Fubar---Dan Callahan
Foxy --- Ron Fox
Gerbil ---Jim Maness
Ghandi ---John DiRico
Goat Eyes--- Eric Hall
German --- Jeff St Germaine
Giz---Davey Johnson
the Gizzard---Davey Johnson
Gomez---Brad Adams
Grandma*---Karen Watland
Grandpa Death--- Pat Taylor
the Greek --- Dale Kellerman
Grievance Queen*
Guido---Pat Guider
Gumper --- Larry Roche
Gunner --- Glen Wiebel
Hat Trick---Bob Doyle
the Hawk --- Karen Zibolski
Helmet--- Paul Hughes
Hendu--- Greg Henderson
Hendy---Kris Henderson
High Plains Drifter---Todd Sjostrand
Hippity---Greg Haupt
The Hobbit*
Hooter---Jim Hutha
Houdini---Dan Abbene
Hubby--- Dan Hubbartt
Huggy Bear--- Mike Coulter
Hum Billy---Bill Szydlo
Humdinger--- Denny Hunsinger
Hurricane --- Kristina Schaff
Hutch--- Jerry Hutchinson
Igor --- Jim Bradach
The Indian ---Jim Maness
Indiana Dakins --- Dave Dakins
Iron Mike --- Mike Cincianelli
Jabba the Hut*---Mike Renner
JayBall --- Jay Erickson
Jer-Man --- Jerry Hutchinson
Jizz --- Jim Claseman
the Jockey*--- Paul Heitzinger
Jonesey --- Brian Jones
Jugbutt--- Butch Carrick
Juggy ---Butch Carrick
Junior ---John Weiderholt
Kahuna---Mike Koch
Karbo--- Kathy Karbowski
Kato---Shawn MAdera
Kazoo---Carl Wicklund
Kid Curry --- Mike Curry
Killer---Dale Willer
Kitten ---Kathy Regan
Koko---Randy Johnson
Koko the Gorilla---Randy Johnson
Land Pirhana---Steve Bennett
Lapper ---Mark Lapham
Larry, Bro & Curly* --- 3 Area 1 wash-outs
Librarian*---Grievance Queen*
Lightning --- Larry Swanson
The Little General---Jeff Eggers
Lobo---Jim McDonald
Loin Lick*
Love Barge*
Lugo---Jim Lugowski
Lugnuts---Jim Lugowski
Lunchbox---Lee Larson
Lurch--- Bruce Kleven
Lutefisk---Mel Ludvigson
Mach One--- Mike Renner
Mach Speed---Chris Mauk
Marlborough Man---Rick Nielsen
Mayor MacCheese---Kevan Soderberg
Mister Spacely---Bruce Wagoner
Mrs. Doubtfire*
Maukarena---Chris Mauk
Mel --- Rick Melhorn
Moe---Doug Miller
Mongoose*---See “Cobra”
Monsignor--- Dave Loible
Moose--- Eldon Miller, and Jim Rud
Mr. Happy---Jeff Eggers
Muskrat --- Mark Moskal
Nat-Man --- Craig Natvig
Nord --- Deron Hoffmeier
Norwegian Mine Sweeper*--- Gordy Henrickson
North Dakota Gump---Ricky Weinand
The Odor Lady*
Old Hickory--- Roy Sullivan
Ox --- Doug Syrstad
Peh Ewwahs---Pat Edwards
Pedwahs --- Pat Edwards
The Penguin---Bob Ethier
the Perfect Storm* ---Vicki Rolf
The Pervert*--- Dave Dakins
Pit Head---Terry Pitts
Pitthead --- Terry Pitts
Plantman --- Randy Beck
Pop Tart---Shawn Madera
Portland---Bob Smith
Post --- Tony Postiglione
Prarie Dog--- Mark Prarie
Pretty ---Leon Stebbins
Pretty Mouth--- Leon Stebbins
Punkin--- Vern Anderson
Purvy ---Scott Purvis
Pusswa --- Mark Puhl
Pussette --- Jewel Puhl
Radar--- Paul Heitzman
Rambo---Dan Pederson
Ramboette-Julie Damico
Rat --- Doug Ratfield
Razz---Tony Rasmussen
Redeye --- Loren Markuson
Rhino ---Jay Nankivell
Ric-O-Shea---Bob Shea
Ringer---Steve Ring
Rock ---Glen Hudson
Rollerball---Mel Roller
Rotater ---Jerry Howland
Rug Man --- Randy Beck
Rugrat ---Jack Rugroden
S-Nine ---Jerry Schiltgen
S-Twelve---Mark Schermeister
the Sampler--- Mark “Harry” Harris
Sarge--- Jim Bedient
Saxophone---Sith Vixavong
Scammer --- Camille Hughes
Schmoopy---Paul Lindstrom
Schultsie --- Paul Shultz
Schwack --- David Schweitz
Senor Smoke*---Rolando Galvez
Sergeant Slaughter--- Jim Bedient
Senator --- ? Trombley
Shaggy---Steve Soler
Shanker --- John Shanks
Sheep---- Tim Johnson
Skid---Doug Mark
Skippy--- Glen Hansmann
Smurf--- Ethan “Danny” Piche
Snake--- Ed Nobach
Sniff --- Gary Spickler
Soda Pop---Kevan Soderberg
Sooner Tuner ---Larry CArter
Spanky ---Gary Spickler
Spongebob--- Bob Jacobowski
Squarehead--- Tom Kloos
Squeech --- George Skvicalo
Sterno---Garry Sternitzky
Stickman---Bart Guderian
Stinky---Steve Bennett
Stone Clone ---Jim Bradach
Strat --- Mark Stratmann
Stu Ball-Stu Workwman
Stu Daddy---Stu Workman
Sully --- Pat Sullivan
Super Dave ---Super Dave Leske
Swanny---Chris Swanson, Larry Swanson
Sweet Joe---Joe Schrodt
Sweet Lips---Davey Johnson
Sweetness---Joe Schrodt
Tank--- Kenneth Kamrath
Tatoo---Bob Tatosian
Ten Feet of Terror---Smurf and Brian Rich
Tex---John Gillespie
Three Dollar--- Tim Deer
Thomps --- Mike Thompson
Thunder --- Terry Eliason
Thundercock ---Terry Eliason
Thunder Kitty---Todd Martenson
The Tick*
Tin Man---Jim Kobe
Toad---Todd Martenson
Torgy--- Jeff Torgeson
Trip --- Tim Triplett
Trout Lick --- Richard Trauernicht
Trouser Snake ---Richard Trauernicht
Turkish --- Brian Turck
Tonga--- Mike Leong
Two Trips --- ?
Turbo---Tom Kloos
Turbo Jaws---Randy Beck
Turbo Whiner----Tom Kloos
20-20--- Joe Bishop
Uff-Da--- Lane Efta
Uncle Barnsie ---Brian Barnes
Uncle Bob---Bob Ethier
Untraina Bill---Bill Ward
Vapor Lock---Rich Breuing
Vinny--- Greg Vincent
Whacko Willy--- Bill Gephart
Whip It Out Charlie---Ken Fix
Whitewash ---Willy Frederick
Whitey ---Joe Hertzog
Windchill --- Greg Henderson
Weedy ---Steve Weidner
Weeds--- Steve Weidner
Wolf Head ---Steve Curry
Woody---Craig Wood
Wonderdog--- Eric Greer
Wookie---Jim Mihalek
Wrench --- John Turnquist
Whoopie --- Wayne Goldberg
Xylophone---Sith Vixavong
Yabut---Brett Larson
Yak --- Mark Yakich
Yellow Elk*
Zee --- Mark Zwolenski
Notorious Z.I.B.---Kraig Zibolski
Zibby--- Kraig Zibolski
Nope, no nickname for me. Over the years I answered to "Kilo Gram" from Ed Whitman, "KG Guy" from a few and "Happy" from a few others but mostly I simply answered to Kay-Gee (my initials) which for this list didn't count.
The mountain bike trails are all still closed due to above freezing temps so I've been content to confine my workouts to our home gym. I climbed aboard my CompuTrainer the other day intending to do maybe 30 miles of the Oceanside Triathlon bike course. It had been a while since I'd done this course and I found myself enjoying it so much that decided to stay for all 56 miles. I needed that!
I lived on not much more than 5 hours of sleep each night when I was working, oftentimes less and although I made it work, it couldn't have been good for me. I'm averaging around 8 hours of sleep each night now with an occasional afternoon nap and it feels so good. What's most noticeable about my sleep-filled nights are the dreams I'm having. They're bizarre and so full of detail and usually bear little resemblance to my real life. I go to bed each night wondering where they'll take me.
As reluctant as I was, it's nice to have stepped off the treadmill that was my career. Sometimes I'll think about the current day of the week and imagine how rushed I'd be if I was still in my old life, hurrying to get a workout in or taking care of whatever needed attention around our home before packing my lunch and heading off to the salt mine.

Where keeping traffic separated used to be my main concern, it was replaced by having to remember to take the trash out to the curb on Monday nights. I became tired of having to remember what day of the week it was so I made a recurring notification on my phone to relieve me of even that responsibility.

Stained glass projects have been occupying much of my time these past two weeks. I finished the one to the right a few nights ago as a gift for a friend. I used to entertain the idea of making these sorts of sun-catchers and selling them but I'm not sure that will ever happen because I'm just not motivated that way although Foci (where we'll hopefully soon resume our glassblowing) has a gallery where I can display them for sale. I may do that but I don't think I'll let them go cheaply. If I do this for money, I want to make sure it's worth whatever effort goes into them, otherwise, I'd rather just give them away to friends.
This next part may not be of much interest unless you worked with me so feel free to skip the italicized text and resume this post with the last paragraph.
A retired friend from work (Bruce Steeples, now working as a controller in Bahrain) recently made what is probably one of the most interesting Facebook posts I've ever read. It's gone through several edits since his initial post as people have chimed in with additions to the list. It's a lot of fun to read.
Bruce wrote:
Nicknames of the Air Traffic Controllers at Minneapolis Center starting from 1981. Thanks for all who have helped refresh our collective memories.
Management tried to have a crackdown on the use of nicknames a few years back, along with attendant sensitivity training. I think the names being broadcast loudly over the outside paging system might have had something to do with it.
I have yet to find another profession where the use of nicknames is as widespread, or creative.
Everyone was referred to by their operator's initials as well, so I didn't include those unless they were modified to some extent; such as a perennial favorite, “Jizz.”
Any “offensive” nickname that was NOT used to directly address the individual noted with an *.
Unknown =?
Aluminum Mike---- Mike Donelly
Angry---Hank Tetreault
The Angry Dwarf*
The Axe---Jack Huber
Baa --- Brian Barnes
Bakes --- Tim Baker
Bang'in ---Jim Wangen
Barely White--- Barry White
Beagle ---Tim Legel
Bear---Gary Davis
Beez--- Bruce Steeples
Big Chief Run 'Em Together ---?
Benny ---Steve Bennett
The Bicycle*
Big Al--- Al Matakovich
Big Belly --- Jim ? Our old manager who went to ZDV
Big Dog --- Big Dog, I mean Roger Thompson
Big Ike---Ike Brown
The Big Fella*
Big Horse---Brad Hultquist
Billy---Mark Warren
Bird Dog---Mark Berdahl
Bolhunk --- Kevin Bolhouse
Boom Boom---Bob Kuh
Boy --- Roy Sullivan
Brannif Bob---Bob Uhlenhoff
Brizzenbanger ---Dave Brisendine
Brother Free Love---Rod Carey
Buck---Mike Buckingham
Buccaneer---John Barganier
Bud (Big, Ugly, and Dumb) ---Dean Rickles
Buddha ---Bud Raiter
Buffalo Head--- Dennys Peck
Bull --- Durwin Jones
Bunny ---Pat Taylor
Burger King*
Burnsie---Bobby Burns
Butt Vapor---Brian Vance
Cabbage Patch*
Cajun F***er---Dave Murphy
Captain Fear*
Captain Hate ---Butch Carrick
Chewbacca---Jim Mihalek
Chic --- Charles Williams
Chirp---Robin Thompson
Clueless---Tom Kloos
Cobra--- Dave Celski
Coldspot--- Paul Codispoti
Convict*---Jim Dillon
Country Joe--- Joe Konietzko
Cowkiller --- Durwin Jones
Cozy--- Dean Kosen
Cobb ---Jim Kobe
Crazy Echo ---Jon Cech
Creeper --- Tom Barnes
the Crumpler*--- Sheila Radke
Cub Bear---Kevin DeGarmo
Daddy Mac---Jerry McCarthy
Daffy---Dave Peterson
Death Bunny--- Pat Taylor
Dewey ---Paul Duschane
Dickhead --- Rich Green
Digger---Tom Barnes
Donna-Wanna--- Donna Nordstrom?
Doo-Dah --- Mike Day
Dough--- Chris Howard
Doughboy--- Chris Howard
Dragon --- Elliot Dallavalle
Dude ---Todd Sjostrand
Duh --- Dave Ritter
Dust Bunny---Bruce Wagnoner
Eddie the Fork---Ed Asbury
E.G. Honey---Ed Whitman
Ewok---Jerry Dehmer
Fido --- Dan Fitas
Flatliner* --- ?
Flounder --- Tim Erickson
Foghorn --- Jerry McCarthy
Fowerty Forbord---Jarred Forbord
Fritz the Crime Dog---Ralph Fee
Fubar---Dan Callahan
Foxy --- Ron Fox
Gerbil ---Jim Maness
Ghandi ---John DiRico
Goat Eyes--- Eric Hall
German --- Jeff St Germaine
Giz---Davey Johnson
the Gizzard---Davey Johnson
Gomez---Brad Adams
Grandma*---Karen Watland
Grandpa Death--- Pat Taylor
the Greek --- Dale Kellerman
Grievance Queen*
Guido---Pat Guider
Gumper --- Larry Roche
Gunner --- Glen Wiebel
Hat Trick---Bob Doyle
the Hawk --- Karen Zibolski
Helmet--- Paul Hughes
Hendu--- Greg Henderson
Hendy---Kris Henderson
High Plains Drifter---Todd Sjostrand
Hippity---Greg Haupt
The Hobbit*
Hooter---Jim Hutha
Houdini---Dan Abbene
Hubby--- Dan Hubbartt
Huggy Bear--- Mike Coulter
Hum Billy---Bill Szydlo
Humdinger--- Denny Hunsinger
Hurricane --- Kristina Schaff
Hutch--- Jerry Hutchinson
Igor --- Jim Bradach
The Indian ---Jim Maness
Indiana Dakins --- Dave Dakins
Iron Mike --- Mike Cincianelli
Jabba the Hut*---Mike Renner
JayBall --- Jay Erickson
Jer-Man --- Jerry Hutchinson
Jizz --- Jim Claseman
the Jockey*--- Paul Heitzinger
Jonesey --- Brian Jones
Jugbutt--- Butch Carrick
Juggy ---Butch Carrick
Junior ---John Weiderholt
Kahuna---Mike Koch
Karbo--- Kathy Karbowski
Kato---Shawn MAdera
Kazoo---Carl Wicklund
Kid Curry --- Mike Curry
Killer---Dale Willer
Kitten ---Kathy Regan
Koko---Randy Johnson
Koko the Gorilla---Randy Johnson
Land Pirhana---Steve Bennett
Lapper ---Mark Lapham
Larry, Bro & Curly* --- 3 Area 1 wash-outs
Librarian*---Grievance Queen*
Lightning --- Larry Swanson
The Little General---Jeff Eggers
Lobo---Jim McDonald
Loin Lick*
Love Barge*
Lugo---Jim Lugowski
Lugnuts---Jim Lugowski
Lunchbox---Lee Larson
Lurch--- Bruce Kleven
Lutefisk---Mel Ludvigson
Mach One--- Mike Renner
Mach Speed---Chris Mauk
Marlborough Man---Rick Nielsen
Mayor MacCheese---Kevan Soderberg
Mister Spacely---Bruce Wagoner
Mrs. Doubtfire*
Maukarena---Chris Mauk
Mel --- Rick Melhorn
Moe---Doug Miller
Mongoose*---See “Cobra”
Monsignor--- Dave Loible
Moose--- Eldon Miller, and Jim Rud
Mr. Happy---Jeff Eggers
Muskrat --- Mark Moskal
Nat-Man --- Craig Natvig
Nord --- Deron Hoffmeier
Norwegian Mine Sweeper*--- Gordy Henrickson
North Dakota Gump---Ricky Weinand
The Odor Lady*
Old Hickory--- Roy Sullivan
Ox --- Doug Syrstad
Peh Ewwahs---Pat Edwards
Pedwahs --- Pat Edwards
The Penguin---Bob Ethier
the Perfect Storm* ---Vicki Rolf
The Pervert*--- Dave Dakins
Pit Head---Terry Pitts
Pitthead --- Terry Pitts
Plantman --- Randy Beck
Pop Tart---Shawn Madera
Portland---Bob Smith
Post --- Tony Postiglione
Prarie Dog--- Mark Prarie
Pretty ---Leon Stebbins
Pretty Mouth--- Leon Stebbins
Punkin--- Vern Anderson
Purvy ---Scott Purvis
Pusswa --- Mark Puhl
Pussette --- Jewel Puhl
Radar--- Paul Heitzman
Rambo---Dan Pederson
Ramboette-Julie Damico
Rat --- Doug Ratfield
Razz---Tony Rasmussen
Redeye --- Loren Markuson
Rhino ---Jay Nankivell
Ric-O-Shea---Bob Shea
Ringer---Steve Ring
Rock ---Glen Hudson
Rollerball---Mel Roller
Rotater ---Jerry Howland
Rug Man --- Randy Beck
Rugrat ---Jack Rugroden
S-Nine ---Jerry Schiltgen
S-Twelve---Mark Schermeister
the Sampler--- Mark “Harry” Harris
Sarge--- Jim Bedient
Saxophone---Sith Vixavong
Scammer --- Camille Hughes
Schmoopy---Paul Lindstrom
Schultsie --- Paul Shultz
Schwack --- David Schweitz
Senor Smoke*---Rolando Galvez
Sergeant Slaughter--- Jim Bedient
Senator --- ? Trombley
Shaggy---Steve Soler
Shanker --- John Shanks
Sheep---- Tim Johnson
Skid---Doug Mark
Skippy--- Glen Hansmann
Smurf--- Ethan “Danny” Piche
Snake--- Ed Nobach
Sniff --- Gary Spickler
Soda Pop---Kevan Soderberg
Sooner Tuner ---Larry CArter
Spanky ---Gary Spickler
Spongebob--- Bob Jacobowski
Squarehead--- Tom Kloos
Squeech --- George Skvicalo
Sterno---Garry Sternitzky
Stickman---Bart Guderian
Stinky---Steve Bennett
Stone Clone ---Jim Bradach
Strat --- Mark Stratmann
Stu Ball-Stu Workwman
Stu Daddy---Stu Workman
Sully --- Pat Sullivan
Super Dave ---Super Dave Leske
Swanny---Chris Swanson, Larry Swanson
Sweet Joe---Joe Schrodt
Sweet Lips---Davey Johnson
Sweetness---Joe Schrodt
Tank--- Kenneth Kamrath
Tatoo---Bob Tatosian
Ten Feet of Terror---Smurf and Brian Rich
Tex---John Gillespie
Three Dollar--- Tim Deer
Thomps --- Mike Thompson
Thunder --- Terry Eliason
Thundercock ---Terry Eliason
Thunder Kitty---Todd Martenson
The Tick*
Tin Man---Jim Kobe
Toad---Todd Martenson
Torgy--- Jeff Torgeson
Trip --- Tim Triplett
Trout Lick --- Richard Trauernicht
Trouser Snake ---Richard Trauernicht
Turkish --- Brian Turck
Tonga--- Mike Leong
Two Trips --- ?
Turbo---Tom Kloos
Turbo Jaws---Randy Beck
Turbo Whiner----Tom Kloos
20-20--- Joe Bishop
Uff-Da--- Lane Efta
Uncle Barnsie ---Brian Barnes
Uncle Bob---Bob Ethier
Untraina Bill---Bill Ward
Vapor Lock---Rich Breuing
Vinny--- Greg Vincent
Whacko Willy--- Bill Gephart
Whip It Out Charlie---Ken Fix
Whitewash ---Willy Frederick
Whitey ---Joe Hertzog
Windchill --- Greg Henderson
Weedy ---Steve Weidner
Weeds--- Steve Weidner
Wolf Head ---Steve Curry
Woody---Craig Wood
Wonderdog--- Eric Greer
Wookie---Jim Mihalek
Wrench --- John Turnquist
Whoopie --- Wayne Goldberg
Xylophone---Sith Vixavong
Yabut---Brett Larson
Yak --- Mark Yakich
Yellow Elk*
Zee --- Mark Zwolenski
Notorious Z.I.B.---Kraig Zibolski
Zibby--- Kraig Zibolski
Nope, no nickname for me. Over the years I answered to "Kilo Gram" from Ed Whitman, "KG Guy" from a few and "Happy" from a few others but mostly I simply answered to Kay-Gee (my initials) which for this list didn't count.
The mountain bike trails are all still closed due to above freezing temps so I've been content to confine my workouts to our home gym. I climbed aboard my CompuTrainer the other day intending to do maybe 30 miles of the Oceanside Triathlon bike course. It had been a while since I'd done this course and I found myself enjoying it so much that decided to stay for all 56 miles. I needed that!