Goodbye Sweet Girl

This is a very sad post for me to write and one I feared I was going to be making sooner than I wanted. Allie died this morning at 8:58. Tammy and I are grieving her loss with lots of tears interrupted by memories of her as we recall those special things about her that made her who she was.

She was a fierce protector of us and our home and she was as loyal as a dog could be. She never had pups of her own but we always felt she would've been the best mom—always nurturing and so quick to see what was the matter if ever she sensed distress. And she loved to lick! We've been tempted more than once to buy one of those signs that say "Our dogs can't hold their licker"—mostly because of Allie.

I had hoped that the health issues she'd been experiencing lately were going to be something she could overcome but sadly, they weren't. She continued to have very little appetite and was becoming noticeably unsteady when standing.

In the middle of the night last night she let out a loud and long wail as she arched her back in pain. I thought she was leaving us then. Her breathing was labored and she was shaking. We tried to comfort her as best we could. I prayed that she would pass in the comfort of our bed but that wasn't to be.

She wasn't whimpering so I was hopeful that she wasn't in continued pain. There was no question between Tammy and me that we needed to end her suffering. I took the photo to the left as I held her in our home just before leaving. I just needed one last memory of her even though it saddens me to see it now.

We made a tearful drive into Farmington this morning to the vet we've been seeing since Allie and Toby were pups. We had no appointment. She wailed again as we made our way into the vet's office and the woman behind the counter quickly took her from us and brought her back to the doctor. The doctor came out and could see that we knew the seriousness of Allie's condition. She offered to do blood tests to try and determine what was the matter but we felt it was time to let her go. She agreed and assured us we were making the right decision based on what she could see.

This is so sad and so hard. I loved that little girl so much. I promised her we'd be together again someday because I believe in heaven and the only heaven I can imagine is one where our pets are waiting there for us.

Goodbye, sweet girl. Thank you for your unconditional love and for all of the joy you've given us. You are so very loved and we will all miss you forever.


Unknown said…
Such a sad time Kevin and a Tammy. We have fond memories of she and Toby romping around as little pups. Sending you all hugs and hoping you find comfort in the memories. x
Kevin Gilmore said…
Thank you, Debra -- yes, the memories will remain forever as will our love for her. And you know the pain all too well. I'm giving Toby and Charlie extra hugs today and tomorrow and the next day.
steve c said…
Very sad. Anna and I are sorry for the loss of your friend.
Kevin Gilmore said…
Thanks, Steve and Anna. We'll be talking with you about a pet memorial for both Allie and Snicker -- a pup that died in 2003. I hope all is well.
Steve Saeedi said…
I'm so sorry Kevin and Tammy. The loss of our fur-family hits us in the gut and take a chunk of our hearts with them. She was a great friend and companion and I wish you all peace.
Unknown said…
Kevin and Tammy, I'm so sorry for the loss of your beloved Allie. I know how hard it is to have to let go of them in this physical world. They will always be in our hearts and minds.
Kevin Gilmore said…
Thank you, Mona. It's the little things that will take some getting used to -- like this morning when I went to let the pups outside -- I waited for a second or two for Allie to bring up the rear the way she always would but then I realized that she was no longer there. That was a sad moment for me and I'm sure there will be many more.

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