Distilling My Thoughts
For the past couple of weeks, I've been wanting to sit down and write out my thoughts about what's been happening here in the U.S. with respect to our Supreme Court and some recent rulings from the radical conservative wing of it but I'm at a loss as to where to begin. Words seem inadequate to me now but I feel the need to add something here for future reference, if only for myself.
Roe v. Wade, the 1973 ruling that legalized abortion in our country has been overturned, leaving it to individual states to decide whether or not to allow for abortions.In a prior life, I would have been celebrating this decision but I'm no longer that person stuck in the binary thinking that allowed me to disregard so many factors that come into play when a woman or a child finds herself pregnant and doesn't want to be.
A 10-year-old girl from Ohio was raped and is pregnant. Ohio law now prohibits her from getting an abortion. What's next? Will she be required to marry her rapist as the bible instructs? There are countless similar stories and myriad reasons for keeping abortion safe and available for those who need to avail themselves of the procedure. I stand with them.
It's disturbing that we have two Supreme Court justices who lied about their sexual harassment and abuse of women in their lives. (I believe Anita Hill and I believe Christine Blasey Ford.) And it's also maddening that we had a president with a history of sexually abusing women (he's confessed to this) who was allowed to appoint 3 justices to the Supreme Court who are now taking away the rights of women.
I can't begin to appreciate (and no other males can, either) what it must be like to be a woman who has lost control of not only her body but also her destiny in life, forced to carry a pregnancy to term when that's not their desire. I understand (as best I can) why women are in an uproar throughout the country in protest against this decision by the court. Hopefully, that uproar will result in votes to begin the work of wresting control back from those who wish to turn the clock back generations.
I do think we need to be concerned about the '22 election and I believe we need to make sure the 18-25 year old block of eligible voters are registered and show up to vote. I get it that they may think it's a waste of time, but damn, this is their future government.
Good job, Kev.
You're so right about getting the younger among us to the polls. Part of the GOP plan, tho, is to make the entire process so distasteful that it turns them off and they don't show up.
Thanks for your comment.