In Full-Swing with Spring!

Tammy and I spent much of this week buying and planting flowers for our flower beds. It's nice to have the work done. Rather than simply turning over our newly planted flowers to the deer and rabbits for them to feast on, I'm using Liquid Fence as a way to deter them from decimating our plants. As much as we love the critters we share our space with, I need to set some boundaries so we can all live in harmony. It's a smelly boundary, though, when it's first applied. I had to laugh at some neighbors walking by holding their noses. The musty, putrid smell goes away once it's dried. I'll report back on our results. Stay tuned!

I'm sitting on our deck this morning listening to the birds sing and using my phone's Merlin app to identify what I'm hearing. A hummingbird is flitting around behind me, maybe a little perturbed by my presence as it surveys our two feeders. The air is calm, and the sun is obscured by clouds, making for ideal deck-sitting conditions.

Over the years, I've grown more fond of springtime and have come to realize that it's my favorite time of year. No other season comes close—not even summer. I love the newness of the sprouting plants, budding trees, and the lengthening of daylight hours. But the wind! I'm a little weary of how windy this spring has been, especially when riding. 

Speaking of riding, I'm off my bikes for the next few weeks due to (I think) patellar tendonitis. I see an ortho doctor tomorrow morning to get a proper diagnosis. The pain became too much when I'd stand on my pedals while trying to power over hills. I'd have to immediately sit back down and stay seated. I've never experienced this kind of lasting knee pain. I plan to continue golfing, but I may have to give up walking the links if it seems to be slowing my recovery. I feel bad for my riders at Trinity Care Center who count on me to be there on Monday mornings to take them riding. I had just resumed my rides with them two weeks ago. 

Last week, much of the country was treated to a display of the aurora borealis. We were hanging out with friends when Rachel texted me to say that the colorful display was much better seen through cellphone images than with the naked eye. I excused myself and stepped outside to have a look. Sure enough, there wasn't much to look at, but when I pointed my phone at the sky, the colorful image came to life. I took some photos then went back inside to show the others what I'd seen. They didn't believe me, so I persuaded Patrick to follow me outside to have a look. He was then a believer, and soon the rest were too

Clifford is making eye contact now and smiling up at us more and more. He melts my heart. I'm excited to see him develop into his own person, but I want to enjoy the many phases of growth he'll experience in the years to come, which is to say, I want to savor this.

He has a pleasant personality, and his tears are usually short-lived. He's so precious. I enjoyed saying "Happy Mother's Day" to Rachel last Sunday. She and Drew are excellent parents!

I need to run a couple of errands and hit the driving range before settling in to watch the final round of the PGA Championship. The leaderboard is crowded at the top (I'm rooting for Sahith Theegala), which should make for an exciting finish. I know, I know 🥱 but it's what I like. 🤷🏽‍♂️ 

Final thoughts: please watch, and Letters From an American.

That's all I've got.


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