Are We Still a Force for Good in the World?
I woke up to numerous songbirds singing outside our bedroom window this morning. Our snow is gone, with the exception of where it's been piled high after snow removal. With nothing but well above freezing temps in our forecast, even the piles of snow won't survive. I know it's too early to think our winter is behind us, but I'm enjoying the respite.
Tammy and I had appointments for eye exams last week. Dr. Cassin asked me if I was experiencing any issues with my vision. I took a few seconds to think about it before responding, "No, my eyes seem fine." It had been 2 1/2 years since our last eye exams.
An image appeared on the device I was looking through during the exam. The doctor asked if the two sections of a partial rectangle (left and right) I was seeing were lined up. I told him that one was quite a bit higher than the other. He made an adjustment and asked me again if they were lined up. "Nope, the right side is still higher." It would take several more adjustments before I saw them correctly. He then asked if I'd been experiencing instances of double vision. I felt a little stupid for not mentioning this to him when he first asked about my eyes, but for the past few years, I've noticed occasional bouts of double-vision, especially when I'm driving. Briefly closing my right eye usually resolves it.
Dr. Cassin did more testing before arriving at a value for a prism that will be added to my lens prescription for a new pair of glasses. The prism will help correct the double vision I'm experiencing so that my eyes aren't straining to try to align what both eyes are seeing. Medical technology is so amazing! He said the muscles in my eyes have lost some strength and can no longer keep my eyes aligned the way they once could.
Look for Tammy and me to soon be sporting a new look!
Question: Are we in a post-constitutional government? I ask because the Constitution is still missing from the White House website. They took it down in the first hours of Trump's administration, and it's still absent more than five weeks later.On the night of the election, I pondered if we as a country would still be a force for good in the world and how long it would take before we aligned ourselves with Putin. I'm sure those comments elicited a side-eye look from many, as though what I'd written was an overreaction. It seems spot-on in light of what we're witnessing. Not only are we turning our backs on our democracy and our outreach, but we're turning our backs on our allies around the globe while Trump shows a disturbing coziness with the world's dictators, especially Putin. Republicans remain silent except for a rare few.
An article about Trump being a Russian asset made a slight ripple over the weekend in mostly foreign publications. I'm uncomfortable embracing this sort of thing, but what else should we conclude about how Trump is acting? What more must he do to convince us he's working for Putin? He parrots Putin's propaganda, saying President Zelenskyy of Ukraine is a dictator and that he was the one who started the war in Ukraine—all while refusing to refer to Putin as a dictator when given the chance. Words, or a lack of them, do matter.
Imagine the good a person with Musk's wealth could do for the world. Imagine the good a president with Trump's loyal following could do for the country and the world, yet both of these men waste their time dividing the country and preparing the soil to extract as much wealth as possible from our country. These are depraved men, not worthy of respect.
It's discouraging to watch as our democracy slips away while people mostly go about their lives as though all is well.
It's not well.
I hope some of you can find your voice and speak out against what is happening. I hope others of you can pry yourself from your conservative news feeds and seek out the truth their shielding you from. I can't imagine how I would feel if I stayed silent during these times and we fell under the reign of a dictator and a government only responsive to the moneyed people who can purchase influence and favor.
Without a Constitution and a rule of law, our country as we know it is finished. Bank on that.
That's all I've got.