Dan Fogelberg and Phone Env

I was saddened to hear of the death of Dan Fogelberg on Sunday. It's been many years since I've purchased any of his music but one CD of his is in my top ten: Netherlands. I have one memory in particular of being in Hong Kong while in port during my Navy days and having his song, Netherlands, run through my head. It's odd how some memories remain with us all these years later.

Our family plan with Sprint expired this week and we took the opportunity to move over to Verizon. No particular reason other than Rachel said that most of her friends were using it and that they like it. The 3 of us also upgraded our phones to the LG Env. It's larger than I'm used to but I like it. The 2mp camera will actually get some use, unlike other phone cameras I've had.

We weren't sure which text plan to have for Rachel so I looked at our history with Sprint to get an idea what she would need. This past month she had over 1400 text messages...and that's without a boyfriend. We got her a plan with unlimited text messages between Verizon customers and 1500 texts between other providers. I told her that if she does get a boyfriend he'll need to be a Verizon customer. I got the look.

There's been a bit of a thaw in the frozen relationship I've had with my older sister for the past too many months and I'm thankful for that. Life is too short.

Happy holidays and thanks for stopping by.


John A Hill said…
Yeah, my 16yr old gets 1000 text messages. She went over once. That was enough to scare her into paying better attention to how many she was using and to how many she was wasting.

Hope that things continue to get better between you and your sister.

Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Kevin Gilmore said…
Thanks John.

We woke up to a couple of inches of snow to go with the foot we already have. It will be a very white Christmas for us.

Best to you and yours.

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