My final FAA physical is in the books. I thought I'd had my last one a year ago but you know me. Anyway, this truly was my final one because there's no turning back now. I've reached the point where I'm mentally ready to move on. I wasn't there before despite all of the previous retirement dates that came and went. I am now. I think had I left a year or even six months ago, I would've lived with some misgivings about not sticking it out and doing all I could to not sell us short financially. I think I've put all of those worries to rest.
I had an appointment with my dermatologist on Tuesday morning. He walked into the room and said: "This is the best I've see your face in the ten years you've been coming here." I think he's right. PhotoDynamic Therapy definitely helped. He wants me to do the treatment again in six months.
I told him how I'm using sunscreen like I've never used it before. I never go out in the sun without it anymore. I try and work it in the best I can but I still leave the house looking a little pale. I don't mind. It's a look I wear with pride now.
I made an appointment for the follow-up PDT on the way out and had to laugh when the woman scheduling my appointment asked: "what day works well for you?" I replied, "I'll be retired by then so you pick a day!" I've been waiting to say something like that. I'm in the home stretch.
Tammy spent most of today with her good friend, Sue. They both needed some time away from their moms to commiserate a little as they walked around Como Park. Tammy is doing such a good job taking care of her mother but she needs to be able to get away more than she is. It's so much more than a full-time job and you can't fully appreciate it until you're in the middle of it. We're using a daycare facility not far from us where for $81 they'll watch your loved one between 7:00AM and 5:00PM. I think we're going to budget for a couple of days each month to give Tammy an extended break.
We had a care conference at Three Links today to discuss my mom's advance directives and how to incorporate them into a decisive plan of action for doctors and nurses in the event that her health fails so they'll know how to proceed. With the guidance of a nurse practitioner, we filled out a POLST, Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment. We discussed which medications should be continued and which should be stopped. E.g., we decided that because she's become a considerable fall risk, her coumadin (blood thinner) should be replaced with a baby aspirin because of concerns for her hitting her head in a fall and having a brain hemorrhage. Questions about whether or not to treat for pneumonia or a hip fracture were also discussed. As per Mom's desires, we're opting for comfort cares at this stage in her life. Had we had this discussion even a few months ago we would likely have come to different decisions.
We all stopped in after our conference to spend some time with her. She was doing very well today, probably the best I've seen her in a while. She loves the company and that's so evident. My concern is for two of my siblings who are choosing to remain absent from her at this time. I don't understand it. Whatever concerns or battles you feel are still being waged are over. Please consider her well-being and not what's in your own interest. She mentions you often.
I can't seem to get enough of Jason Isbell's new CD, especially this song. The guitar has a definite Neil Young flavor to it that works very well for me.
I got up from laying down after the all-night shift Thursday morning and figured I'd better get a ride in while I could because the forecast wasn't looking so good. The temp was just above 40 with a northeast wind steady at 15 mph under overcast skies. 40 degrees is very reasonable cycling weather but the key is to be somewhat chilled when you start out. Being warm and toasty at the beginning leads to being sweaty, cold and clammy before the ride is over. While putting air in my tires before leaving I could tell that I needed a lighter top layer. I'm glad I made the switch. I loved the ride ( Strava link ) and would like to have gone further but David Crowder was playing at our church and I didn't want to be late getting in line for some good seats as it was general admission. I considered a quick detour by Hosanna on the way home to get a pic of their tour bus but I figured I should really act my age. The concert was worth every penny and better than any of the o...
I skipped out of work a couple hours early today to take advantage of some mild weather. I took the pups for a walk then headed west on my bike putting my heart, lungs, and quads through some paces. It felt so nice to be out there. I'd have stayed out longer but I had to be back to take Rachel to dance class for 5:00. It's possible that today will be the last time I'll have to take her to class if she passes her road test this Thursday. I'd like to have taken some time to hose down my bike. It's full of road salt and that can't be a good thing. Every large vehicle that went past me had a cloud of salt dust trailing in its wake and settling on me. I'll spend some time cleaning it tomorrow and have it ready for a ride on Wednesday after work. Speaking of work—I've been kicking around the idea of bidding on a staff job. Believe me, it's not something I want to do. It's about self-preservation. I want to work another five years to get Rachel thr...
Wow, what a trip. In planning for this ride, I figured I’d have only two weekends this summer when our schedules could come together to give it a go. The first of those two times came and went two weeks ago when a steady north wind kept me grounded. There’s no way I could have gone the distance into the wind, and what I was really hoping for was a stiff southwesterly breeze, but that wasn’t in the cards either. After looking at the wind forecast on Wednesday, I told Tammy that it looked as though we were looking at another no-go. I’d been watching the forecast the previous 5 days, and they consistently said to expect a light wind from the southeast. It wouldn’t be a headwind but wouldn’t be much help either. I came home from work on Thursday morning and looked at the forecast again, but it hadn’t changed. I got a couple hours of sleep, then woke up to work in the yard. Then, I decided I wouldn’t let the lack of a tailwind keep me from going…just so long as it wasn’t a headwind. I tol...