This Is Cancer
When Trump came on the scene, there was a lot of pushback from people such as myself who saw him as a con man who'd conned his way into the White House and into the hearts of millions. He was cheered by those who were attracted to his racist views and hoodwinked by his fake billionaire status. His populist message struck a chord with legions of people who were willing to overlook his constant barrage of lies, his assault on our democratic norms and so much else that was disgusting about the man—and of all people, Evangelical Christians made up the core of his support. He promised he'd build a wall to keep the brown people out (Jesus wept, btw). He'd push aside our allies, rip up agreements and go it alone because only he alone could fix what ailed us. He'd make America great again, or his vision for it, anyway. Tens of millions of you foolishly believed him.
As I look out over the landscape today at the sobering videos and photographs that tell the story of the assault yesterday on not only our nation's Capitol but on our democracy as well—images of violence against both by Trump's supporters, violence incited by Trump himself when he encouraged his supporters saying, "Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong." I'm disheartened that he has any remaining support whatsoever. I no longer recognize our country and I no longer recognize some in my own family and many friends who continue to stand by him, too blinded by the lies told to them by Trump and brainwashed by conservative media. You disappoint me for being the easy marks you are, sporting your silly MAGA hats and spouting his outrageous lies.
There's a cancer spreading in our society that feeds off of conservative media and is then spread on social media platforms as people give life to this cancer with their lies and easily debunked conspiracies. It has spread to the highest levels of our government. There can be no unity among us until the purveyors of the sustenance the cancer feeds off of stop with the endless drip of lies, conspiracies, fear, and hate that they broadcast. That's the only cure for this but sadly, I don't see that happening. There are billions of dollars to be made off these fools and we're all paying the price for their gullibleness and stupidity.
One thing that stood out for me from yesterday as I watched in horror as domestic terrorists/insurrectionists received their marching orders from Trump, the self-proclaimed "law and order president", before descending on our nation's Capitol in Washington, DC—where was the fortified law enforcement in the way of a National Guard presence that they should have known would be needed? People breached what little security there was before entering the Capitol where they appeared to have full access to the building as they went about looting it, ransacking it, and making a disgrace of themselves and those still associating themselves with Trump. Trump's aides were pleading with him to send in more help but he said no. He wanted to watch it play out. As we've learned, there's no bottom with him. Finally, one or more of his aides took it upon themselves to call in reinforcements.
And yet they support him.
The judges; the divisions; the broken personal relationships; the tens of thousands unnecessarily dead due to downplaying the pandemic; our standing in the world. Was any of it worth it? This is what we've been pushing back against but you ridiculed us with your lame "libtard" and 'TDS" comments, seldom ever offering a coherent retort to our concerns.
I'm sad and angry today for a myriad of reasons, but mostly I'm sad that so many have put what remains of their party over their country, unwilling to admit they were wrong and rescind their support for the clear and present danger that the man they adore is to our nation and will likely continue to be even after he leaves office.
Four domestic terrorists died yesterday because Trump incited them and others to storm the Capitol, intent on sabotaging the official counting of the electoral college votes that would officially seal his election defeat. I have zero doubt he cared more about having his Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts frozen than the fact that those four lost souls lost their lives because of what he started.
Let that sink in.
That's all I've got.