What are We Waiting For?
Serious question: now that all aid to Ukraine has been halted, and in light of all of the capitulations Trump has made to Russia — shutting down early warning agencies; halting intelligence gathering aimed at Russia; turning our backs on our allies; talk of removing sanctions on Russia; placed stooges in prominent roles; removed critical oversight, did I mention turning our backs on our allies as well as relinquishing our role as leader of the free world, etc. — how long will it be before Trump moves to help arm Russia? It’s terrifyingly shocking, but this is where we find ourselves.
Trump Is clearly acting on Putin’s behalf. Sorry to be blunt, but it takes a whole other level of gullibility not to open your eyes and mind to the possibility that you’ve been conned if you’re still supporting this pretender. We are watching the dismantling of our country and, with it, our democracy, our freedoms, and our way of life.
What are we waiting for?
That's all I've got.