Here's My Goal

It's been more than two weeks since I've needed to use oxygen to abort a cluster headache. I want to believe they're gone for many months to come but I'm hesitant to believe that. This has been my longest running phase of these god-awful headaches that I've ever experienced so who's to say they won't soon be back. Regardless, I'm having my first glass of wine in months (red at that!) to see if I can once again safely do that. My canary in a coal mine so to speak.

I called today to have them pick up the 5 oxygen tanks I have. They'll be by in the morning. I hope I don't have to see these delivered to our door again anytime soon.

I stopped in at work today to pick up some paperwork to get the ball rolling on reestablishing my medical to work traffic. Hopefully, that will go smoothly but if it doesn't, so be it. I'll be a retired controller and that won't be so bad.

This has by far been the most stressful few months of my life. Between the cluster headaches and my latest clotting issues, I just want to move on and get back to where I was last August. I think back to our little vacation to South Dakota and how healthy I was feeling then. It seems so long ago.

It's going to take some work and time but here's my goal: to get back to this!


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