Que Sera, Sera
I met up with the Fat Tuesday group for my first night ride in decades. What a blast but what a workout! I'm not nearly recovered enough to be doing that to myself.
It didn't help that I was running a squishy 4 pounds of pressure in my tires making it a little slow-going when I could've easily been running closer to 10 psi.
I was finishing near the back of the pack each time we'd regroup but I was smiling.
I didn't wear my glasses so I couldn't read my Garmin with its heart rate data but I knew I was redlining at times. The graphic to the right shows what I'm talking about. I hit a max heart-rate of 177 at one point which is pushing it for this no-longer-a-young-pup!
I was surprised to see how many other fat-bikers were out there in addition to the 23 in our group. The trails come alive at night and I had no idea! It's a much more happening place after the sun goes down than it is during the day.
My GoPro lens kept icing up in the steady light snow that was falling so the video it captured was next to useless. I'll try again next week.
I stopped in at work on Wednesday afternoon to pick up some paperwork I'll need to file in order to get my medical back. It was nice to drop by the area and say hello to the people there. I felt somewhat like an outsider looking in. Perhaps there's some disconnecting on a subconscious level happening.
I've been off work for 3 weeks now since my latest blood clot scare and it's probably going to be at least another couple of weeks before I'm back, if ever. Que sera, sera.
Not having to show up at the salt mine makes it so much easier to get out and ride. I made it out 4 times last week and I've got the aches to show for it. It was -1ºf when I started out late yesterday morning. I had the trails mostly to myself but by the time I arrived back at my car there were several others just starting out.
I was clicking away on my laptop recently when I noticed a coyote walking on the street outside our window. My neighbor had also seen one last summer in the middle of the street between our homes. Our 3 small pups wouldn't stand a chance against a coyote so we're being much more careful to not leave them unattended when they're outside.
I had to laugh when I saw the video of Peaches, the cockatoo who mimics her former bickering owners. Get a load of not only her language but her body language as well. So funny!

I didn't wear my glasses so I couldn't read my Garmin with its heart rate data but I knew I was redlining at times. The graphic to the right shows what I'm talking about. I hit a max heart-rate of 177 at one point which is pushing it for this no-longer-a-young-pup!
I was surprised to see how many other fat-bikers were out there in addition to the 23 in our group. The trails come alive at night and I had no idea! It's a much more happening place after the sun goes down than it is during the day.
My GoPro lens kept icing up in the steady light snow that was falling so the video it captured was next to useless. I'll try again next week.
I stopped in at work on Wednesday afternoon to pick up some paperwork I'll need to file in order to get my medical back. It was nice to drop by the area and say hello to the people there. I felt somewhat like an outsider looking in. Perhaps there's some disconnecting on a subconscious level happening.
I've been off work for 3 weeks now since my latest blood clot scare and it's probably going to be at least another couple of weeks before I'm back, if ever. Que sera, sera.

I was clicking away on my laptop recently when I noticed a coyote walking on the street outside our window. My neighbor had also seen one last summer in the middle of the street between our homes. Our 3 small pups wouldn't stand a chance against a coyote so we're being much more careful to not leave them unattended when they're outside.
I had to laugh when I saw the video of Peaches, the cockatoo who mimics her former bickering owners. Get a load of not only her language but her body language as well. So funny!